Pink Noise: Amplify Your Gold

These interviews are conversations between host verysheri, founder of Pink Noise Posse, and the individual Posse members. The concept for this series was inspired by the Howard Thurman quote, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs, is people who have come alive.” Each interview was broadcast on Cafe Racer Radio’s Sunday morning program weekly since September, 2020.

The guests of Pink Noise represent a community of human beings who are following the thread of aliveness in their life, and sharing the gold that they have mined along the way.

Not Sure Where To Begin Listening?


With topics that range from the origins of courage, and trusting your intuition, to mindset shifting and feeling your feelings, you’ll meet practitioners from many walks of life with tools to share. 


A word from the host, verysheri

This is tender business. These conversations that I’m amplifying are filled with real live heartache and pain; stories where fear got transformed into power, as curiosity and a willingness to live a different story led each of us to make a life-changing pivot.

I am in AWE of every guest and committed to sharing these stories in service of providing inspiration to others on the path of becoming. It is my wish that you find a life hack, a shortcut, or a nugget of gold to ease the burden of transformation. Because “nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort” (thanks Teddy). In my own words, peace is earned through conscious choice.


How PINK NOISE Started

This radio program took shape in the summer of 2020 as my friends Jeff Ramsey and Cindy Anne closed their beloved iconic Cafe Racer and decided, amidst the pandemic, to offer a different kind of gift to their community… by launching a Radio Station, dedicated to local Pacific Northwest music.

Because Cafe Racer was home to my 2019 live project, Love Church #notachurch, which was the birthplace for the tagline “mine and shine the gold within”, I was invited to produce an audio program for their Cafe Racer Radio station and Pink Noise* was born.

*Shout out to Mark Kanning for originally suggesting the name.


NETWORK With Sheri

There are many reasons why Sheri wants to hear from you. Here are just a few:

  • Recommend a conscious leader, change-maker, or transformational guide she should meet.

  • Tell her about an organization or association that would benefit from an Authentic Relating workshop.

  • You need a dynamic and heart-centered speaker at an upcoming conference.

  • You think she’d be a great guest on another podcast.

  • Or maybe, you’re a like-minded soul, visiting the Pacific Northwest and want an IRL experience with her.