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A live event that ran throughout 2019 in Seattle Washington, open to the public, people of all ages, to gather in community twice a month for inspiration, celebration and truth telling. There was a witty MC, the reverend verysheri, a guest speaker, and YOU.

Here’s a list of things that happened at Love Church:

  • We got inspired by profound stories from guest speakers who have wisdom to share in a segment called REAL TALK.

  • Attendees were invited to take the stage and give a reading from something they found in the media that provoked their imagination, expanded their heart, or challenged their mind. (OPEN TO ALL)

  • We participated in activities borrowed from the teachings of Authentic Relating that I’ve been practicing since January 2018 to reveal the benefits of setting down the mask of who we think we are supposed to be and sit in the more vulnerable place of being seen for exactly who we are in this moment.

  • There’s a bonding exercise to elevate our serotonin and oxytocin levels (psst, it’s called hugging - but wait, there’s more!)

  • We dance it out after 90 minutes to a vibrant song.

  • We can drink mimosa’s or other refreshing beverages from the bar, and everyone is invited to linger and join in a group dinner at 5pm upstairs in the OBAMA room (Original Bad Art Museum of Art - curated by Marlow Harris & Jo David) at Cafe Racer.

Each LOVE CHURCH featured a different REAL TALK guest speaker.


Too many people are waiting for permission to show up. Maybe if there were more examples of individuals taking risks, being brave despite the fear, then we can harness that energy and raise the vibration of self-acceptance and empowerment, leading to more purposeful awareness and true change in the world. This is a gathering about belonging, creating a space where people feel more connected, to themselves, and others.

To unite individuals.

To build community.

To nurture positive self-affirmation.

To celebrate your inner weirdo.

To raise the vibration of joy and connection in your life.

More insights and updates on our facebook page.


Hello, I’m Sheri and in the fall of 2018, I had an epiphany in the dark, while floating in a salt water tank. I know that may sound odd, but it’s true. My heart was heavy with grief for how many humans I encounter and read about on social media who suffer from lack of connection, belonging, or a greater sense of self-worth. A couple years ago, I was given an opportunity to reimagine my life after a twenty year relationship ended. I quit the day job and after some soul searching, took a trip that changed my life. I began exploring the possibilities beyond what I had done before while answering the question of how to contribute to the greater good. As an outgoing extrovert, one of my favorite things to do is bring people together, to create memorable experiences, and engage on a more meaningful level. The big idea? Enter Love Church, a one year experiment in community building.