Dr. Susan Campbell
Getting Real In Relationships
Medicine Offered:
I teach a body of communication skills and awareness practices that help people notice and free themselves from all the ways they go on automatic as they communicate and listen to others. I teach that going into a conditioned protection pattern or a trigger reaction, once noticed, can be the doorway to deep healing and transformation. These practices go by the names of “the 10 truth skills for authentic relating” and “the five steps of trigger work."
Healing For:
These practices help people accept that they, like just about everyone, do go unconscious sometimes when they do not feel safe. And this does not mean there is anything wrong with them. The practices offer language and distinctions (such as the difference between relating and controlling) that help people become more self-aware, more able to notice and interrupt reactive patterns. There are also practices for helping people accept themselves and love themselves when they do temporarily go into automatic fear-based behavior—helping them to restore a sense of inner safety, hold a compassionate space for their tender parts or tender feelings, and then communicate their feelings and needs responsibly so they can get the comfort or reassurance they need.
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