Amplify your Gold
The Pink Noise Posse is here to help you “mine and shine the gold within”
The Posse is an intentionally curated collection of healing guides. Each one of these guides is sharing the medicine that they needed to heal themselves on their journey of becoming an authentically self-expressed human (that’s the shine part).
They have all experienced liberation from limiting beliefs and want others to see beyond false barriers, to turn fear into power (that’s the mining part).
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
Howard Thurman
Follow your Thread of Aliveness
When you empower yourself to follow the threads of aliveness in your life, you become the light and the beacon for others to do the same. There’s a ripple effect!
The world needs people who are living life fully alive, and the Pink Noise Posse exists to meet you where you are in your process of becoming.

Do you relate?
Have you reached a pivot point in your life because the status-quo no longer serves you?
Do you want a deeper connection with yourself and others, to know and be known, see and be seen?
Have you ever wondered if old tired stories hold you back from having more of what you want?
Do you long to feel free to be unapologetically yourself, not weighed down by the voice of the internal critic?
Are you seeking tools to live a more authentic life, rooted in your true values?
If so, you’re in the right place, at the right time!
Here. Now.
The Pink Noise Posse is a carefully selected group of individual human beings who found themselves relating to these above statements and decided to do something about it. Once they found their way forward, they picked up that new life-force energy that comes when you are on purpose and used it in service of guiding others to do the same.
This is the true story of how Sheri Hauser (aka verysheri), the founder of Pink Noise Posse met each member of the collective. She invited them to share their journey on her radio show called, Pink Noise, a weekly broadcast on Cafe Racer Radio that launched September 20, 2020 while in quarantine.
Cultivating an open and honest dialog, Sheri leverages her Authentic Relating Training, in conscious connection with her guests as they traverse the often delicate details of a life transformed.
The intent of sharing these stories is to inspire YOU to act courageously in service of living the most meaningful life you can imagine!
Explore Your Human Potential
The teachings of Dr. Gabor Mate state that when you sacrifice your authentic self-expression for belonging you end up stifled and insecure, reliving past trauma, unable to experience the unique magic that already lives in you.
The guides at Pink Noise Posse have excavated their own past to mine for the gold nuggets that held the clues to a liberated future… and now, their mission is to do the same for you. Each guide is equipped to hold space for you as you uncover more of who you already are.
Not sure where to begin?
Host verysheri is here to be of service as your TRANSFORMATIONAL CONCIERGE. Get insights on which Posse members are right for you. Book a free 30 minute consultation.